Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why I Love To Write

By: Ginger Bruce (Guest Writer)

When I think of writing I am reminded of how words express my heart, embraces the lives around me, empowers communication, reveals the action in our thoughts and strengthens my vocabulary.

When I express my heart there is meaning and experience in my words.  I share what has impacted my life with wisdom and learning.  What I am thinking I can put in writing better than speaking.  The picture we create in our imagination as we read is the mental image we hold in a memory.  This is called visual learning.  I would like my writings to touch others inspirationally as much as others writings have touched me.  I have discovered focusing on terms and the meaning behind words build my vocabulary to understand and comprehend the value in communicating.  The more words I know the more optional ways I can express, explain and gravitate how to write what my heart and mind are connecting to put in writing.

Whether writing is for our imagination, information, advice, encouragement, history or discovery the impact of interest is what draws my passion to write.  Words easily flow from my heart and thoughts onto paper.  Thoughts can be an emotional healing, experience, past childhood memory, what I have learned, who I have met, spiritual reflection, adventure, making a difference, transformation, revelation or educational.

I vision myself sitting by a calming stream of water listening to the voices of nature.  Oh, how the chirping birds sing with their own language.  The smell of the fresh water and flowers lighten my spirit.  The whistling of the wind breezing through the trees is calming.  As I rest in the freshly live grass starring up at the numerous shaped clouds wondering the existence beyond.  I am focused in my own world enjoying nature. 


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